Information about your stay

  • Our reception hours are as follows:
    Monday to Saturday, from 6AM to 10PM, and Sunday from 7AM to 8PM

    If you require any assistance outside of these hours, please call reception on 6372 1122 and you will be directed to our manager.

  • Our hotel offers free Wi-Fi access throughout the premises. You can connect to the network with the following details:

    Name: Clairfield Hotel Guest
    Password: TCH@2850

  • While we love creatures big and small here at The Clairfield, pets are not permitted inside the hotel rooms or in public spaces.

    If you have an assistance dog or wish to discuss your circumstances with our team, please send us an email.

  • Every guest room has its own allocated car space outside their room.

    If you require another spot, please speak to reception on 6372 1122.

  • We are a smoke-free hotel. This means that smoking and vaping are prohibited anywhere on the premises including in-room, corridors, event spaces, and all public areas.

  • You agree any monies or other valuables, goods or vehicles that belong to you, brought in or onto the rooms, grounds, or car park, remain your responsibility, and we will not be responsible for their safekeeping.

    No responsibility is taken for any property left by a guest at the premises. Please check all wardrobes and drawers before vacating the property.

  • Our common areas and parking are under 24/7 surveillance to ensure the safety of our guests.

  • We offer complimentary luggage storage for up to 24 hours. You will be given a luggage tag, which must be presented at collection.

    Kindly arrange for collection during reception hours.

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For 24 hour assistance, please contact reception on 6372 1122